Appomattox, VA Class is Back!
October 19 and 20, 2022

It’s been a really long time since I’ve been on my previously-annual trek to Appomattox and I am chomping at the bit to be back and stir up those creative juices! There have been a lot of changes in three years. My painting has evolved and floorcloths have been set aside while I’ve been focusing on building my painting style and enjoying creating large scenes (murals) and smaller collages of old barns. All of these are still on canvas with a definitive tilt towards “folk” and “old” and “naive”. Patterns, textures and borders still play a big role and I feel they ground the story- setting it back in time and putting the image in a “time capsule”.
So, for this year’s class, to be held in the large, well-lit banquet room at the Liberty Baptist Church on October 19 (10am- 5pm) and 20 (9am- 4pm) we will be creating folk art paintings on stretched 16″ x 20″ canvases using the three paintings above as guides. The borders are interchangeable and I encourage you to jump off and change the design however you wish. Make it your own! The bird could be a cat, Martha Washington could step in for George or the cows could take a hike and some sheep or roosters could wander around in front of the barn. Think about what you would like to do with it and I will help you get there. Of course, if you’d rather just learn how to do it like I did in one of these three, that’s an option too. I will provide you with templates for each of these 16″ x 20″ paintings, so you can use them during the class and later at home if you feel so inclined.
Paint, 2 canvases and brushes will be provided for you. You should be able to complete one of these paintings during the class and you can create a second at home afterwards if you feel so inclined. Please note that these are NOT floorcloths. They are 16″ x 20″ paintings on canvas stretched over a wood frame which can be hung for display (framed or unframed).
And that brings me to the good news that the enrollment fee for the class is MUCH less than it was previously. Because I won’t need to make a dozen floorcloths, load up all of my paint jars and pack everything into a big box to ship, my prep time and expenses are WAY less and I’ve passed that along to you in the class fee of $215, which includes materials. Please feel free to bring your favorite brushes and/or acrylic paints you might want to add to the provided materials.
Cindy Megginson is our hostess with the mostess. Direct questions about places to stay or about the facility (and possible COVID restrictions) to her at We will work out lunch plans for the two days. Send me (or Cindy) your ideas for what you think would work best. We’ll probably go out to dinner one or both nights (everybody pays for their own meal) as well and encourage class-takers to join us so we can keep the creative talk going!
I can teach 10 (plus Cindy), so these spots will be filled on a first come- first served basis. Please use the Buy Button below to register, choose your design and pay for the class. Refunds will be issued only if cancellation is made before September 30.
Thank you! See you in Appomattox!
Hello Lisa,
You were correct. Your email to me did go to my spam and I just never gave it a thought. I have just paid and confirmed the Appomattox class in October. Look forward to meeting you then!
Hello, I am a friend of Virginia Derby Jordan & would like to attend your class with her in October. I am both an artist and interior designer…generally a visually creative person. I have read your book Floorcloth Magic and am inspired to persue floorcloth design as a new type of medium. I hope that I will be able to join Virginia for your class. I will wait to hear from you before signing up.
Thank you for your consideration.