As I work through my week, I realize how so much of what I do is connected to the traditional aspects of art and riding. It all starts with really strong basics. For my art I need a beautifully crafted and prepared floorcloth or mural. I’m not happy unless it’s done “just so”- the canvas is shrunk and pressed perfectly flat; the hem is clean and straight; the base coats of paint are even and smooth. I prepare each of my designs so that I know the scale, the colors and how and where I am going to apply each element of the design. All of this is left brain stuff. It gets figured out and I can comfortably proceed. When that’s done, I switch over to the right side and a hefty dose of creativity and spontaneity is added. This is where the piece comes to life. Sometimes I’m really surprised by what comes out of this phase. The “plan” can go out the window and things get pretty interesting.

Winslet (Kate) and the author.

Winslet (Kate) and the author.

For those of you who aren’t horsey, you’re probably saying, “What’s this got to do with riding?” My equestrian sport of choice is dressage. It is “the highest expression of horse training, where horse and rider are expected to perform from memory a series of predetermined movements.” Think figure skating; but on horses. There is a training scale that we adhere to, building the horse’s skill, strength and willingness from the first levels of rhythm and suppleness, to the highest levels of collection, where they can perform a beautiful, balanced dance with power and grace. People have been training horses for centuries and we still rely on the basics as taught by the masters. Good basic training on my horse is like a well-prepared canvas for my art. Then, when my horse is confident and strong and we know each other in some extra-sensory-perceptive way, we are ready to switch over to the right side again and let the creativity and spontaneity begin. And then, on a great day, we are dancing!

The trick is finding the balance. The basics for anything need to be learned. Skills need to be acquired. Confidence must be gained. Then the fun stuff may begin. The paint will flow and the union with the horse will blossom. And then in order to grow, you have to learn more basics, acquire more skills and gain more confidence. The cycle continues and beauty, art and fulfillment are the ultimate rewards.

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