About Canvasworks
In the rural Vermont village of Perkinsville, the Henry Gould Farm sits at the base of picturesque Mount Ascutney as it has since the early 19th century. Peek into the large carriage house windows and you will find the studio of Lisa Curry Mair and the home of Canvasworks Designs.
Traditionally crafted acrylic paintings on canvas and elegant murals are made to take you on a journey back in time. The subjects and stories of her murals are historically researched and lovingly infused with personal details. Her art often highlights the animals she holds dear – her horses, dogs and cat – as well as the beauty of the surrounding landscape.
Lisa truly lives the traditional New Englander way-of-life and painting is just one part of her day. The farm’s old dairy barn is home to her horses, which she tends to and rides daily. In the winter, the woodstove must be stoked and the walkways need shoveling. In the summer, the flower gardens around the pond in the backyard require time and attention. Lisa has been known not to leave the property for a week at a time. “Why would I?” she says. “Everything I need is right here.”
Since Canvasworks Designs was established in 1992, Lisa Curry Mair has created over fifteen-hundred handcrafted paintings and murals, which now reside in private homes, historic houses, and museums across North America and Europe.
“Lisa, your artwork is absolutely incredible; now that I have been privy to your newsletters and website, I have seen the spectrum of your great talent – no wonder you are so busy! This particular cloth is the centerpiece of our house, which is on the contemporary side, and has a nautical flair. I took away all the surroundings rugs so it could stand on its own. With 20 family members flurrying the kitchen over the holidays, the floorcloth was truly christened and it was a great relief and surprise how easily it cleaned after a day of spills and water. Utilitarian art – what a great concept!”
—Pam, Massachusetts