Floorcloth Painting returns to Appomattox, VA!

October 18 and 19, 2022

This class is full. If you would like to be added to the waitlist, please comment below or send an email by clicking here.


After much consideration, and after listening to so many of you beg me to go back to teaching how to paint floorcloths, I hope you’ll be happy to hear the project at Appomattox will be a 2′ x 3′ floorcloth! AND I also listened to so many requests for the Artichoke design! I have created two other designs that are a little bit simpler for anyone who would like to do one of those instead. You will learn techniques for creating textures, mixing colors, applying washes and using shading to add dimension and more! The three designs are roughly based on period hooked rug designs, making them perfect for floorcloths.

There’s another big change for this year’s class: we’re moving! We will be enjoying the American Civil War Museum at Appomattox as our venue! It will be a great space for everyone to work for the two days and I have been asked to give a public talk there on Thursday night about my work.  Throughout my time there I’ll be searching the museum for motifs, patterns and design elements and I can show you how I use them in my work during the class.

Each student will be provided with a prepared, hemmed 24″ X 36″ canvas floorcloth, a full-size template, paint and brushes.  You should be able to complete your floorcloth during the class but if you can’t quite complete it I will give you instructions and paint so you can finish it at home. Students will also receive a digital version of my book, Floorcloth Magic.

The class is $220 and the materials fee is $180. If you have taken my class before and you have a set of the brushes I have previously given you I will reduce your materials fee by $10. This also saves me in shipping costs. (When you checkout, no shipping will be charged.)

Cindy Megginson is our hostess for the class. Direct questions about places to stay or about the facility to her at cindy.megginson@gmail.com. We will work out lunch plans for the two days. Send me (or Cindy) your ideas for what you think would work best. We’ll probably go out to dinner one or both nights (everybody pays for their own meal) as well and I encourage class-takers to join in so we can keep the creative talk going!

I can teach 10 (plus Cindy) and these spots will be filled on a first come- first served basis. Please use the Add to Cart Button below to register, choose your design (in the “style” drop down menu) and pay for the class. Refunds will be issued only if cancellation is made before September 30, 2023.




  1. Thank you, Janice. You’re top on the wait list.

  2. Please add me to your waiting list for the Appomattox class on 10/18 & 10/19 2023.

    Thanks, Janice Lofland

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