Canvasworks Open Studio
On Sunday, February 16, 2025 Lisa will be opening up the studio to show the newly completed four-wall mural which will be heading to its new home soon.

2025 Calendar
Since early January, 2024 Lisa Curry Mair has been painting a “Daily Horse” as part of a year-long challenge.

Coming Home II
The three riders are returning from a day out in the field. Hounds are spent and content.

Misty Fall Morning
This is a 10" x 8" acrylic on canvas on board painting. I started with layers of soft pastel to create the misty feel, then continued with acrylic paint to add details and soft areas of color. The painting led me through the process. I've never worked this way before!...

“Walking Hounds”
Detail of painted sketch for larger proposed foxhunt scene mural.

Daily Horse Paintings Week 3
These are the daily horse paintings I did the week of Jan 24-30, 2024. Contact the studio if you'd like to know more about any of them. Which is your favorite? Please feel free to comment below! Click on any image to see the full photo.

Leaning In and Letting Go
Strange Winter acrylic on canvas 20" x 16" available As winter rolls in I find myself wanting to paint with abandon. I spent so many years "staying inside the lines", now I just want to splash and play! This is my view across the marsh to my neighbors' home and Hawk...

2023 Artistic Recap
Yesterday I flipped through all the photos of my work from 2023 and I picked out 50 of my favorites.
Appomattox 2023
Floorcloth Painting returns to Appomattox, VA! October 18 and 19, 2022 Back to ClassesThis class is full. If you would like to be added to the waitlist, please comment below or send an email by clicking here. After much consideration, and after listening to so...

Getting Artsy for 100 Days!
Starting January 1, 2023, would you like to get a little help in moving your creativity/ art/ imagination forward with gentle nudges every day?