Traditions of Summer Gatherings

Traditions of Summer Gatherings

Memorial Day Weekend is upon us! The lilacs and apple blossoms are out and it's finally time to plant my window boxes. For several years I participated in the Vermont Crafts Council's Open Studio Weekend, always on Memorial Day weekend, and it was always a mad dash to...

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Getting Ready for the American Artisan Show

Getting Ready for the American Artisan Show

Final preparations are underway for the American Artisan Show in Wilton, Connecticut next weekend. This show will be held at the Wilton Historical Society. I will be in the historic Fitch Kitchen and my 20-foot mural will be displayed in a hallway connecting the barn...

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Canvasworks Featured in The Vermont Journal

Canvasworks Holds Grand Re-opening Reception and Open House Submitted by VT Journal on Mon, 11/19/2012 - 2:29pm   Lisa Curry Mair By BY NANCY SILLIMAN The News Review     WEATHERSFIELD, VT -On Friday, November 17, artist Lisa Curry Mair, owner of...

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In the Home Stretch: New Canvasworks Studio

In the Home Stretch: New Canvasworks Studio

We're in the home stretch! George stained the floor yesterday and will finish it then do all the trim for the windows and doors and then I can start moving in. I can't wait! It's a bright, airy space with great views of our horse pastures and distant hills out the...

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Murals: Canvas Used for More Than Floors

Do you have a wall that is just begging for some decoration? Do you wish Rufus Porter would come knocking on your door, ready to paint a beautiful historic New England scene in your front hallway ? Lisa Curry Mair is expanding her use of canvas to include walls....

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The Lemon House has Three New Floorcloths!

The Lemon House has Three New Floorcloths!

The Allegheny Portage Railroad Museum is a part of the U.S. National Park Service and a National Historic Site in Gallitzin, Pennsylvania. One of the park's features is the historic Lemon House, which served as an inn and tavern for travelers in the early to mid...

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July Studio Update

July Studio Update

There's been a whirlwind of activity around the studio! The Allegheny Portage Railroad Museum pieces are well on their way. The first one is completed. We painted all the black diamonds, then marbled them all. Once over at the shop, we unrolled it and I applied all of...

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