Old Barns Paintings available at Canvasworks Gallery

Old Barns Paintings available at Canvasworks Gallery

I have ten old barns paintings available now. They are all beautifully framed in barnwood floating frames which show off the texture which has become my signature of these pieces. Click on the title of each piece to see the full image and details including...

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Back to Equestrian ArtThis most recent piece came about after I had a few days with the house and farm to myself. With lots of time to sit down and really think about so many of the things going on right now, I finally pulled some of those emotions out and put them...

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Old Vermont Barn 5- Silas Bigelow Barn

Old Vermont Barn 5- Silas Bigelow Barn

Silas Bigelow was born December 24, 1766 in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts. He came to Vermont as a young man, settling in Weathersfield and marrying Elizabeth Beaman Boynton. The earliest records I have found have Silas and Elizabeth’s home being built in 1799 and the first barn was probably built then also.

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Old Vermont Barns 4- Thrasher Road

Old Vermont Barns 4- Thrasher Road

One of the hardest parts of doing this series of paintings is choosing which one to do next! I now have over 50 barns, just here in Weathersfield, that I have recorded, photographed and started sketching. The research is coming along, but every book I open leads to...

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Clearing Out Old Floorcloths!

Clearing Out Old Floorcloths!

Today is the second day of our floorcloth sale and I've drastically lowered the prices on a few items.  Some have been used for display or teaching purposes, some have been used in homes, some have small defects. Click on the thumbnails to see pricing info. Here's how...

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Henry’s Farm, 2021

Henry’s Farm, 2021

For the better part of the 20th century Henry Gould lived in the place I now call home. He farmed hundreds of acres, tending to his cattle.

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